Refereed Conference Contributions
C1. Rogers, J., Marshall, J., Wallace, J., Metcalfe, T.,Taylor, N., Raj, R., Verker, J., Heslop, P. (2025) pegBits: Experimenting with a 01” system for open hardware prototyping. In: Nineteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions, 4th March to 7th March 2025, Bordeaux, France
C2. Gray, S., Metcalfe, T., Cater, K., Bennett P. (2020) The Sugargotchi: An Embodied Digital Pet to Raise Children’s Awareness of their Dental Health and Free Sugar Consumption. in: CHI Play 2020 – Proceedings for the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play
C3. Gray, S., Hahn, R., Cater, K., Watson, D., Meineck, C., Metcalfe, T., Williams, K. (2019) Towards A Design For Life: Redesigning For Reminiscence With Looked After Children. in: CHI 2020 - Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
C4. Gray, S., Hahn, R., Cater, K., Watson, D., Meineck, C., Metcalfe, T., (2019) ‘trove’: a Digitally Enhanced Memory Box for Looked After and Adopted Children. in: Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, IDC 2019. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), pp. 458-463. Honorable Mention Award, Work-in-Progress IDC 2019
C5. Gray, S., Clark, F., Burgess, K., Metcalfe, T., Kadijevic, A., Cater, K., Bennett, P. (2018) Gorilla Game Lab: Exploring Modularity, Tangibility and Playful Engagement in Cognitive Enrichment Design. International Conference on Animal-Computer Interaction (ACI 2018)
C6. Mills, John , Lochrie, Mark , Metcalfe, T., and Bennett, Peter (2018) News Things: Exploring Interdisciplinary IoT News Media Opportunities via User-Centred Design. In: Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions, 19th March 2018 to 21st March 2018, Stockholm
C7. Mills, John , Metcalfe, T., Lochrie, Mark and Gradinar, Adrian (2016) Rare Occurrence: Exploring IoT, news media, calm interfaces and infrequent interactions. Proceedings of the 30th International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2016) . ISSN 1477-9358
C8. Mills, John, Lochrie, Mark , Dickinson, Andrew Scott , Metcalfe, T., and Egglestone, Paul (2015) Connected paper, EKKO and analytic futures: News and paper data. In: ITS ‘15; 2015 International Conference on Interactive Tabletops & Surfaces, November 15 - 18, 2015, Madeira, Portugal.
C9. Shorter, M., Metcalfe, T., Rogers, J. (2013) The Invite: Adding Value to Paper With Paper Electronics, Praxis And Poetics, Research Through Design 2013
C10. Shorter, M., Metcalfe, T., Rogers, J. (2013) The Loneliness of The Roving Martian Robot: The Mini Mars Rover, Praxis And Poetics, Research Through Design 2013
Chapter in Edited Book
CEB1. Papadimitriou, I., Prescott, A. & Rogers, J. Metcalfe, T., et al. (14) (2014) Open Collaborative Making A Digital Perspective. Liverpool: Uniform Communications Ltd, p40 ISBN 978-0-9576868-1-6
Journal Publications
J1. Senior, T., Bowen, S., Metcalfe, T., Wilson, A., Ailes, M. (2022) Medievals and Moderns in Conversation: Co-creating Creative Futures for Historic Churches that Address Uncertainty in Rural Life. Special Issue of Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. ISSN 2414-4088
J2. Frohlich, David, Ely, Philip, Moore, Helen, Golsteijn, Connie, Egglestone, Paul, Mills, John , Rogers, Jon, Metcalfe, T., Stone, Kate (2017) Designing interactive newsprint. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 104 . pp. 36-49. ISSN 1071-581
Teaching Awards
2021 – National Enterprise Educator Awards – Entrepreneurship Catalyst
2020 – National Enterprise Network – Highly Commended for Innovation in Education
2019 – Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) – Advance HE
2018 – National Enterprise Educator Awards Finalist – HE Team Enterprise
2017 – Vice Chancellor’s Award for Education, Bristol Teaching Awards
2017 – University Educational Initiative Award, Bristol Teaching Awards
The above were awarded to the team at the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Bristol