Time frame: 60+ mins
Group size: 5-10
Facilitation level: Moderate
Materials: Printed Drift pack, pens, scissors
Churches have a long-history of adaptation and reuse centred on their communities. Historically, although Christian teaching was central to their work, a parish church would have helped connect people socially, support local development, provide education, and drive creative and cultural life. What do our communities look and feel like today?
This activity is about going out into the world and being open to what you encounter. The Drift pack is designed to help you encounter the world around you whilst think outside of convention. The facilitator’s role is to help people embrace the process and reflect afterwards. Encourage participants to use the drift pack as prompts rather than as questions that need specific answers.
Step 1
Gather your group together and spend some time preparing the Drift pack. Talk through the drift process and decide where you will drift and for how long. You might choose to stay in the church precinct, explore community spaces or go beyond the parish. A drift can take as long as you like.
Step 2
To drift, just wander (and wonder) where the world takes you. A drift has no destination and no routine: walk, look, sit, listen, absorb, and move on. You can drift alone or talk with others to share ideas – as you wish. This is your drift pack, so feel free to write, draw, tally and doodle as you go along.
Step 3
Reconvene to share your favourite drift observations. As a group, reflect on what you’ve learned and ask how you might might respond to what you have uncovered here at your church and in your community. Explore how these responses can be turned into actions.
Tip: On your drift, try moving away from familiar routes and go to places and spaces you wouldn’t normally visit
Tim Senior (Supersum) and Tom Metcalfe

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