Time frame: 30-60 mins
Group size: 2-10
Facilitation level: Beginner
Materials: Printed Look guide, pens, scissors
A time can come when we stop seeing the things directly in front of us – objects and spaces so familiar that they fade into the background. Our historic places of worship are full of extraordinary things, the accumulated traces of lives, histories and creativity over generations. Yet, we can lose touch with their value and potential. What if we could look again with fresh eyes?
This activity is about the simple act of looking and telling stories about what we see. In your role as facilitator, you might tune this activity to different purposes: you could choose an object that best tells a personal story, or find forgotten spaces and imagine what their story might be. Selecting the same object or space as a group might reveal bold differences in how we each see the world around us.
Step 1
Print as many Look guides as you have people in your group. Gather your group together and spend some time preparing the Look guide as instructed. Talk through what you hope to gain by doing this activity – a way of looking afresh at the world around us.
Step 2
Walk around your church and select something – a space or an object – that speaks to you. It could be something tiny or on a large scale; something simple or extravagant. Use the Look guide to frame your selection and ask: What do I see, and what story would I like to tell others about it?
Step 3
Reconvene to exchange stories. Visit the different objects and space directly if it helps share observations. Take time to reflect together on what has emerged within the group and ask if this place looks and feels different now. Your Look guide can serve as a record of your observations.
Tip: Don’t forget to look up as well as down when choosing a place or space to focus on.
Tim Senior (Supersum) and Tom Metcalfe

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